Wednesday, 30 April 2008

So nearly there...

10 deg 49 min S, 132 deg 44 min W. Which means, unfortunately, we've come too far south already. :(. But that's the wind for you. Frustrating!! But the flip side of that is that it's also very Zen - you just have to go where the wind is and that's that. Happily it's turned a bit today though, and we're actually slowly heading north back towards Fatu Hiva. 'Only' 350 miles to go now... Tomorrow we should be there the day after tomorrow. Finally! All this time for thinking (and sewing - cockpit cushion cover is coming along nicely and I've got round to mending umpteen t-shirts and bras - I'm sure C puts holes in them deliberately - his t-shirts that is, not my bras!) has got me thinking... I've been remembering being little and going to museums with my Mummy, and things I did at University and all sorts of other things - remembering stuff I haven't thought about in yonks. Has made me smile.
C has progressed from Dickens to the Koran, which is appears to be much more repetitive and much less interesting! He caught a big fish today - it must've been at least 2.5 ft - we even have a photo to prove it to all you doubters. I got a lesson in filleting and we ate it for supper. Not much else to report - hopefully the next post will be from land!!
Love from (very grubby) H&C"

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