(sent 20.04.08)
06 deg 40 min S, 110 deg, 00 min W. It really is like the BBB - '[in a Geordie accent] C has caught a fish, H is asleep, Stuart is having a coffee. Later Stuart makes lunch.' Doesn't get much more exciting than that folks. Except there's no jacuzzi or chicken run or diary room to make it more interesting. Just the same 41' of boat there was yesterday, and the day before... At least we seem to have found the Trade Winds though - currently have 16-18 knots and should be there in 15 days (last week the GPS said our ETA was the middle of July!! Don't want to miss Bastille Day in French Polynesia!)
C has resorted to reading 'Bleak House'. It's that desperate. I was going to read some chick lit book that was lying around, but my brain refused after the first chapter. So I've settled on a book about Al Quaeda instead. From one extreme to the other. (The last book I read was about the war and the Enigma machine - all the talk about rationing and mending stuff made me think of living on a boat - v pleased that, because of careful planning, we still have fresh provisions left after 2 weeks at sea. Had the last of the fresh peppers this evening though :( )
Should be half way by supper time tomorrow. Which is a relief - I had my 'I've been on a boat too long' wobble yesterday. Feeling much better now. How did people ever make this journey without knowing where they were going or even if there was anything at the other end? At least the GPS is making sure I'm inching my way towards a hot shower (haven't washed my hair since we left - was a bit yucky on day 5/6/7 but is now safely tucked away in plaits and looking after itself (plaits means that C sings the 'Oh Brunhilda' song from Bugs and Elma Fudd's 'Ring of the Nibbling' to me :) ) How does Ellen MacArthur do it without even someone else to whine to?
Right. No more news. Must go and unblock the loo before it floods.
Love from H&Cxx
PS - are now at 111 deg 29 min W - H v upset cos she was too busy talking to C to notice when it was 111 deg 11 min.111 W. Bugger!"
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