09 deg 29 min S, 125 deg 37 min W. Since the last post, we seem to have found the wind, and have been zipping along at a pretty steady 5 knots. Not going to break any records, but should arrive by 2nd May, which is a relief. Much easier to take it all in your stride when you can see an end in sight. (Also in sight since the last post has been a ginormous gas tanker. On my watch, obviously, as I'm a 'boat magnet' - if there's ever any traffic to deal with it's always muggins here who has to deal with it. There's millions of square miles of ocean out here, and this tanker just happened to pass within 3 miles of us. Once it had gone we all started wondering if we'd imagined it! First sign of civilisation for 12 days...)
My other bit of excitement is that I NEARLY caught a fish - in the end though, I think I was quite relieved that it got away as once I had it on the end of the line, dangling out of the water, thrashing about, my heart was racing and I really didn't want to kill it. Which is pathetic, I know, as I'm more than eager to eat fish that C catches and kills. It was just much more difficult than I had imagined. I've never killed anything before, except insects. But, now I know what to expect I'm prepared for next time. Course I won't catch anything now - the one that got away has told the others to stay clear!
Other news: C has finished, and enjoyed, Bleak House; I'm still struggling with Al Quaeda - can't read too many chapters at once or all the clever words that have gone in one side of my brain start falling out the other; I'm finding lots of uses for pumpkin - v pleased that we still have some fresh produce even though today is day 20 at sea.
One final thing to tell you that I think you'll find amusing - we're heading for the Baie de Vierges on Fatu Hiva - that's the Bay of Virgins to you and me - was called Baie de Verges (Bay of Penises) after some phallic looking rocks...but the missionaries objected and inserted an 'i' to defend everyone's modesty!
Okey dokey - might be on land next time I write - looking forward to it sooo much - except think that it might all be a bit bewildering when we get there - having to deal with NOT being on a boat. Think we might all look and smell a bit like Stig of the Dump too! Oh, I hope there's a hot shower and some croissants when we get there...
Lots of love
H (&C - asleep now though as it's the middle of the night and I'm the only one up, on watch)xx
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