Saturday, 2 August 2008

Time to go!!

Helen: Not much to report - have just been relaxing - walking, watching films, eating baguettes - even played the Name Game last night. But thought you might like this little gem: my seasickness pills (Stugeron) say that as well as treating motion sickness and dizziness they can be used to treat 'symptoms of a cerebrovascular origin including...unsociability and irritability disorders' - why did no one tell me about this before!!
Ok - got to get stowing - we're off to Rarotonga this morning - nearly left yesterday until we remembered it was a Friday - one of the sacred rules of sailing is 'thou shall not leave port on a Friday'. (It's also supposed to be bad luck to have a woman on board...)
Lots of love

PS if you want to track our progress, go to, then 'maps' then 'user positions' and look up VE0TIM (that's a zero not a letter oh) in the list on the right - then you can see us on Google Earth. Cool huh? There'll be a big celebration when we finally get 12 miles offshore and have officially left French Polynesia...

1 comment:

bobtherunner said...

I like this winlink thing. I can actually see where you are... or were not long ago. It's easier than finding 't wife in Morrisons.