Monday, 7 January 2008

Things I do NOT like

Anchoring in the dark
Anchoring in an unfamiliar harbour
Anchoring between 2 reefs
Anchoring with a broken depth sounder
Anchoring under sail because your engine broke and caught fire

I particularly don't like doing all those things at once.

Oh yeah, I'm getting pretty sick of fixing other people's boats for them too.

Still the sun is shining, the sea is clear, and I have a nice big bag of fresh fruit under the desk in this internet cafe. I really hope Joel decides he likes Pilgrim, ( - look at the folder marked Pilgrim, it's the boat we'd like to buy)I'm not sure how much more of sailing for numpties I can take!


1 comment:

Dave Martin said...

Are you checking email too? What address are you using - I wanted to comment on something in DSCF1443..