Friday, 20 March 2020

Covid stopped play

Today is the day the boat was booked to lift-in. I was supposed to wake up in a hotel room in A Coruña, and then Dave and I were to walk down to the marina, finish installing the diesel stove, inspect the hull, maybe install the new house batteries, make sure the engine turns over, then drive away from the lift-in to begin life afloat. Gosh that sounds nice. What I did instead was wake up at my mother-in-law’s house (thank you Susan), do 2 hours of home-schooling with the boys in Grandma’s dining-room, have some lunch, trawl a couple of supermarkets to scrape together the ingredients to see the house through the next few days and go to a garden-centre. Years of preparation came to a head last Friday morning when we finally got the last of our possessions either into storage, sold/given away or boxed up and handed-over to UPS to await our arrival in Spain. We emptied and then departed our house of the last 10 years and handed the keys over to the letting agent with a Tesla packed to the gunnels with all the things we hadn’t finished sifting through, plus clothes and toys to see us through a week of goodbyes before our flights. A couple of days on and it was clear that we shouldn’t visit my parents as planned, as my dad would be classed as ‘vulnerable’; so we headed to Helen’s old family home to stay with her mum instead, obviously this isn’t ideal as Susan is also in the vulnerable age-bracket, but she doesn’t have underlying health conditions to add into the mix, and we do need to stay somewhere, as we are now homeless. I’ve been learning Spanish for the last few months, so I’ve exchanged a few emails with the marina, sail-maker and battery shop. I’ve also (virtually) met another parent whose boat is in A Coruña - she is now stranded in the UK while her partner is on the boat in Spain! The reports are that no-one is allowed out, the only open shops are supermarkets and they’re only allowing 5 people in at a time. The marina says that customers aren’t allowed into the yard and they wouldn’t lift our boat in. Now our flights are cancelled and the next available booking with the same airline is May 1st (should I book that?). The situation with Spain’s border is not clear to me at the moment - if we could get there, would they let us in, on the basis that we’re homeless in the UK and our home is now locked up in a yard in A Coruña? I’ve written to the Spanish embassy in London to see if they can provide us with something we could show at the border to let us in, but they haven’t replied - I guess they’ve got other stuff to worry about right now! Here we are then, self-isolating with Grandma for an indefinite period. She has been very kind and generous, and the house is plenty big enough, with a big garden for the boys to play in. It’s still not where we should be though, and we are all (including Grandma) on our best behaviour. I’ve found today particularly hard to deal with, and I’m afraid my family has borne the brunt of this in the form of shouty-daddy. Hopefully I’ll manage to be more patient tomorrow...

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