Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Bond, James Bond

Helen: It's official. Daniel Craig is a god. He is the best Bond in a billion years. Make that a gazillion. Just seen Quantum of Solace (can you tell) and it was bloody marvellous. Ok, so not as good as Casino Royale (not sure if that would actually be possible) but still pretty darn good. My head is spinning with all the twists and turns and action (what a horrible thing to do to an Aston) but definitely a great way to spend an afternoon. If you go see it (go, go, go) stay to see the credits otherwise you won't find out what Ms Fields first name is... Try not to laugh at the state of the Bolivian roads though - nowhere in our travels in Bolivia did C and I see a road in the desert even closely resembling the smooth dark black snake in the film. Most of the time there isn't even a road, just ruts in the dirt. But I guess the Aston wouldn't go so well in those conditions...

Speaking of roads, we went on a road trip in our new car yesterday (new to us that is, not new - it's done nigh on 180,000 k's so it's definitely no spring chicken) - up the coast about 120 k's to walk along a lovely beach and the cliffs. Gorgeous. But it did take us 2 hours to go about 80 miles because even the main highways here are like A roads at home. Patience is the name of the game.

Day before that we even managed to go climbing! Wooo hooo! Have been trying to go climbing ever since we left the UK, and, while it wasn't a patch on our favourite climbing wall in Edinburgh, it was a good way to while away a few hours. C even enjoyed it once he'd stopped being frustrated at being so puny.

Still haven't got our DHL package - the saga continues (now they want nearly $200 for putting the package through customs. Can you believe it? They actually want us to pay for them delaying our package by 2 months. Imbeciles.) On a brighter note, C went for a harmonica lesson this morning and came back playing something resembling 12 bar blues. And we're even going to try going dancing tonight. Not sure if it's going to work so well in flip flops, but we're going to give it a go.

That's all for now

1 comment:

bobtherunner said...

Obviously I must have slipped below consciousness for a while when I saw Quantum. I still don't understand the title...

Quick fix for puniness - 20 press-ups twice a day works wonders. Oh, and don't forget the running :-)

Look on the bright side. At least the car was willing to carry you 120km - so it's still got some life left!