Helen: Well...it appears that we might have just gone and bought ourselves a boat!! She's a lovely little (and we mean little - she's only 30ft) French aluminium boat. We're taking her out of the water on Weds and, as long as there aren't any big probs (which we're not expecting) then she'll be ours!! She doesn't have much gear though, so looks like we have lots of shopping to do (and lots of begging and borrowing from other folk - we are so in debt at the karma bank just now!!). Will write more soon to keep you posted. Would be a pretty cool birthday pressie for us both though!!
H and Cxx
Sounds exciting - explains why we haven't heard from you from a while! Hope the dry dock inspection confirms your expectations. You had better let us know the size of the birthday and Christmas pressies! Much love Susanxx
30ft for 30th birthdays - how appropriate! Hope she is everything you wish and takes you safely everywhere you want!
Hugs to you both, Lizzie xx
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